The GreenplanetFM Podcast with Tim Lynch

Scott Macindoe: The Future of New Zealand fish. Numbers have fallen. What are we leaving our children?



New Zealand with the fourth largest economic zone on earth is facing a major dilemma with its vast fisheries.  Being now essentially run by a handful of fishing families. That as an industrial fishing machine it still controls the narrative regarding fishing in NZ waters. There is a dimension of Maoridom who are responsible for managing Treaty of Waitangi Settlement assets, but regrettably the NZ Government's Ministry of Primary Industries - 'is captured' due to their inability to manage for example red snapper in NZ. But the whole much lauded 'Quota Management system, is a major failure.  Scott clearly states that for change to really happen - is that we need a crisis. This will then pull us all together to solve this huge out of control quota management system and all its attendant challenges. Quoting Milton Friedman, Nobel Prize winner in Economics 1976 - who declared - "Only a crisis - actual or perceived - produces real change." He said that though the recreational fishing lobby took the establishment to