Repcolite Home Improvement Show

Episode 263: Down the Rabbit Hole



Today's show is basically the presentation we gave on June 1 and 2 at the Sunnybrook Country Club in Grandville. It's a yearly event that RepcoLite hosts and Hailey and I called this one: Down the Rabbit Hole SEGMENT 1: Meet Our Guides In this first segment, we introduce you to the topic and also to our guides: Elizabeth Gilbert Frank Gehry David Lynch SEGMENT 2: Recognizing Fear One of the key requirements to living creatively is learning to recognize fear. SEGMENT 3: Being Curious Another key trait of creative people is that they are constantly curious! Get out there, ask questions, stop "knowing" so much and be a detective! SEGMENT 4: Taking Time to Daydream A third train of creative people is that they take time to daydream . . . to let their mind rest . . . or to "play and experiment with reality."