Finding Brave

229: Bruce Gelfand | How Writing Your Story Transforms Your Life, Part 1



Thank you for listening to our Finding Brave show, ranked in the Top 100 Apple Career Podcasts! “It’s a miracle what happens when people are invited into a safe space and invited to speak their hearts and speak their minds. There’s no wrong way to do it, you just drop onto the page and you go.” - Bruce Gelfand  I’m so excited to bring today’s amazing guest back to Finding Brave to share his expertise with you. Not only has Bruce Gelfand been my own writing coach, but he has been so instrumental in my life in many ways beyond writing. In this episode, he dives deeper into the tremendous impact that writing your own story, and sharing it with others, will have on your life.  Based in Santa Monica, CA, Bruce has over 30 years of experience in theater, film, television, and publishing in both New York and Hollywood. His plays have won national playwriting awards, and been produced Off-Broadway and in theaters around the country. He has written numerous feature films and movies for television, and has written and