Purple Patch Podcast

221 Becoming a Better Coach - Leveraging Experts to Help Athletes



So you’ve gone all-in and put your training in the hands of your coach. It’s their role to build the framework of performance and provide clarity, accountability, and guidance through your evolution as an athlete. But how does a coach evolve beyond education and experience to become a more effective pillar of support? How do they improve themselves and grow in order to help you, the athlete, thrive? Matt answers that question with the help of Purple Patch Coach Mike Olzinksi and leading performance nutritionist, Scott Tindal, as they examine the role of mentorships in coaching. Over the last year, Mike leveraged Scott’s nutrition expertise to help facilitate high performance in several of his athletes. They discuss the importance of that collaboration to the overall success of two Purple Patch athletes, Kinga Kimbrel and Elliot Block. With the help of Mike and Scott, Kinga, relatively new to the sport of triathlon, finds perspective in training through a focus on her nutritional deficits, while Elliot defies