Stark Reflections On Writing And Publishing

EP 250 - Typewriters, Nature, and Fatherhood with E.S. Curry



Mark interviews E.S. Curry, an insatiable renaissance man who loves writing outside the data stream on a Royal typewriter, listening to classical music on vinyl, and imagining bedtime stories with his son Åsmund. Prior to the main content, Mark shares a personal update and a word about this episode's sponsor. You can learn more about how you can get your work distributed to retailers and library systems around the world at During their chat, Mark and Scott talk about: How Scott started writing for himself four years ago after years of doing ghostwriting and working in advertising and marketing The importance of discovering his own voice as a writer and how it took writing over one million words before he found his voice The experience of a being at a "Fred Forward" conference at the Fred Rogers Center and how Fred Rogers talked about the importance of being in a bubble with a child and really engaging and attending to them and that space Getting away to the wilderness with his s