Our Lord's Community Church

Kingdom Life: Brock Bingaman: Intrusive Thoughts & Watchfulness



In this episode of Kingdom Life, Brock Bingaman and Connie Willems talk about the practice of watchfulness, a way of controlling intrusive thoughts under the power of the Holy Spirit and a vital discipline for everyone. Watchfulness, arrow prayers, and the Jesus prayer provide a tested pathway to an inner life that is free and connected to God. Mentioned in this episode: • Watchfulness sampler: https://static1.squarespace.com/static/550ad3e5e4b01f037f254a6f/t/5ee233ba6962af2ffaacfd47/1591882684632/Hesychios_Watchfulness_Guide_Sampler.pdf • On Watchfulness and Holiness, excerpt from The Philokalia: https://static1.squarespace.com/static/550ad3e5e4b01f037f254a6f/t/5ee233d95e6f642856a50959/1591882727504/Hesychios_Watchfulness_Philokalia1_DeepDive.pdf — Kingdom Life is a production of All Saints Community Church, a community of worship and formation on mission with Jesus. www.allsaintsokc.org