Purple Patch Podcast

217 Knowing When to Show Up - Nailing the Training Mindset for a Time-Starved Athlete



Athletes often hear coaches talk about the importance of remaining focused and fully present in all of their workouts, but should this apply to every single training session? Should every training session really demand your full attention? The mission of this episode is to provide a framework around your training mindset that will both optimize the results from your training and also prevent the performance journey from becoming a second job. The KEY for any athlete, but especially the time-starved athlete, is knowing WHEN to show up; that is to say, reconciling your commitments with the need to ensure that the training process is joyous and facilitates a de-stressing effect. While distractions in key sessions can lead to poor execution and limited results, and random will always generate random results, there is a sensible path in which you can glean all you need by being present in training, while at the same time ensuring that the bigger part of the long performance journey includes plenty of fun and enjo