Podcast Test

The Most Common Challenge in Ayahuasca Integration



Hey everyone welcome back to The Multidimensional Journey! It is your host Ayahuasca Kaur. I am a Trauma-Informed Ayahuasca Preparation & Integration Coach and I am so happy you are here.    We are talking about integrating our truest selves! Which is what Ayahuasca will reveal with precision.   Also pre register for the 3 Month Self Empowerment & Transformation Coaching Program so that you can get unstuck and feel freedom in your Ayahuasca Integration Process!   Pre- register here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeCD3iV4FqN1YcsbbykPb77U-hN83O9Rh1anft33T0JNGO5tw/viewform Please Read My Disclaimer: The Multidimensional Journey, LLC does not encourage any illegal activities or the use or abuse of psychoactive plant medicines or psychedelics. Even within the confines of the law, they are not appropriate or beneficial for everyone. Plant medicines and psychedelics are not “magical cures”. They are powerful tools, when used properly with respect, clear intentions, in a sa