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EP80: ♫ #FF30th Playlist ♫



This year marks the 30th anniversary of the Final Fantasy series and we’re celebrating with this music tribute episode! In 1987, the developers of Square, now known as Square Enix, believed that Final Fantasy would be the last title they ever released. The NES RPG’s popularity launched one of the world’s best-selling video game franchises of all time. In this episode, you’ll hear 11 incredible remixes of our favorite tracks from the series.What’s your favorite Final Fantasy game, song, or soundtrack? We want to hear from you! Tell us at and we might just read or play your message on our next episode!00:00 - BITGEN14 (Final Fantasy I) by Dj Cutman02:21 - Secrets Abound (Final Fantasy I) by Midgarian Sky05:28 - Techno de Chocobo (Final Fantasy VI) by Tepid09:53 - Run Past Through the Plain (Final Fantasy Tactics) by FerdK13:16 - Fighting (Final Fantasy VII) by Mykah19:05 - The Man with the Machine Gu