Dregs Of Craigs

S1E99 -DoC #99: My Totalitarian Dictator Can't Be THIS CUTE!



Episode 99 folks and this one comes with a bit of a warning! If this is your first episode: DON'T. Pick another to be your first. The first bit in this episode is WEIRD AND UPSETTING. THANKS STEVE We also only do like, 2 ads in this one. If you don't like when we do side bits, then feel free to move along and wait for the big 100 which will be super exciting! Find out more at https://dregs-of-craigs.pinecast.co Send us your feedback online: https://pinecast.com/feedback/dregs-of-craigs/2e72ee35-e12c-48f0-828b-d7f12426a70c This podcast is powered by Pinecast.