Cyc Podcast

Child and Youth Care Graduate Program Information Panel



This episode is a recording of a Child and Youth Care graduate school information panel that took place November 30, 2021. Graduate school programs were represented by Natasha Blanchet-Cohen from Concordia University’s Graduate Diploma in Youth Work; Graham McPheat from the University of Strathclyde’s MSc in Child and Youth Care Studies; Alison Gerlach from the University of Victoria’s Masters and PhD programs in Child, Youth, Family and Community Studies; and Julian Hasford from the University formally known as Ryerson’s MA in Child and Youth Care. We only recorded the faculty presentations. This was done to allow student presenters to speak freely about their educational experiences both good and not so great. Student presenters included Crystal Harrison, Caroline Moore, Emily Hellard, Wolfgang Vachon, and Juanita Stephen. If you would like to see a video of the presentation, you can go to To learn more about the programs discussed please visit: Concordia University University of Strathclyd