Phantom Galaxy

The Illustrated Fan #7: Spirited Away with Princess Mononoke



Nathan and Dave finally get around to talking the great Japanese animator Hayao Miyazaki and two of his most influential works, Spirited Away and Mononoke Hime (Princess Mononoke).  In order to do the master justice, we've invited on Miyazaki fan and animation student Khristian Knecht to discuss the films and their influence on the medium, as well as Miyazaki's own significance to film in general.  Our short film is actually a trailer for a little-seen tv pilot called Yuki's Sun, which marks the first directorial project Miyazaki ever did.  We also briefly discuss the Studio Ghibli documentaries "Never Ending Man" and "Kingdom of Dreams and Madness".  Enjoy the episode and leave your comments here or on the Facebook page, or reach out to us on Twitter!  Dave's other places on the internet: Film blog: DVD On Twitter: @DVDinfatuation On Facebook: DVDinfatuation On Instagram: @dbjb6972 On Letterboxd: @dcoshockhmp YouTube Channel: Visit W3Schools Dave Becker's Podcasts: Horror Movie P