The Mind Of A Trader

MOT #84 - The Old Is Forever New



Leave a voice message and you might be on MOT: does not really matter whether you have just begun your trading career or have been trading for years, at times we need to go back to the basics.The very first group of skills and reasons that brought us into trading can be the very foundations that can lift us to new heights.It does not matter how old an idea is, when it is revisited, it will have a new impact on us, because we now have additional experiences to apply them to which will bring about new results.All of us as traders can easily slip into some bad habits and never know it. If we stop and return to our first learning sessions, we will find powerful skill sets from some very basic knowledge.Remember, it is not how much knowledge that you have that determines your success, but what you do with that knowledge that really brings about the levels and rewards from your efforts.