Sage Orthopaedics

AJSM November 2021 5-in-5 Podcast



Five articles from the November 2021 issue summarized in five minutes, with the addition of a brief editorial commentary. The 5-in-5 feature is designed to give readers an overview of articles that may pique their interest and encourage more detailed reading. It may also be used by busy readers who would prefer a brief audio summary in order to select the articles they want to read in full. The featured articles for this month are, "MRI Signal Intensity of Quadriceps Tendon Autograft and Hamstring Tendon Autograft 1 Year After Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction in Adolescent Athletes", "Return to Sports and Minimum 2-Year Outcomes of Bilateral Hip Arthroscopy in High-Level Athletes With a Propensity-Matched Benchmarking Against a Unilateral Control Group", "Salvage Iliac Crest Bone Grafting for a Failed Latarjet Procedure: Analysis of Failed and Successful Procedures", "Shoulder External Rotational Properties During Physical Examination Are Associated With Injury That Requires Surgery and Shoulder Join