Phantom Galaxy

The Illustrated Fan #6:Animated Halloween with Greg Bensch



Nathan and Dave get about celebrating that spookiest of holidays, Halloween with an episode dedicated to animated specials and films with a horror bent.  They are joined by the always fun Greg Bensch as they talk Charlie Brown, Garfield, Coraline, Monster House and a few films and shorts you might not have heard of before.  So settle in for this spine tingling trip through the toons of Halloween!  Enjoy the episode and leave your comments here or on the Facebook page, or reach out to us on Twitter!  Dave's other places on the internet: Film blog: DVD On Twitter: @DVDinfatuation On Facebook: DVDinfatuation On Instagram: @dbjb6972 On Letterboxd: @dcoshockhmp YouTube Channel: Visit W3Schools Dave Becker's Podcasts: Horror Movie Podcast Land of the Creeps horror podcast DVD Infatuation @ Considering the Cinema: Other places to find Greg Bensch: https://phantomgalaxy.