Adventures In Businessing

Discovering Your Values



Show Notes: [0:00:58] Intro | Timely Topics Brief Discovering Purpose Recap [00:03:03] Thoughts on Values Values are guardrails. "Stay between these lines." Values can be deceptively easy. Values force you to make tough decisions. [00:05:51] The Right Number of Values? What's too many? What's not enough? An exercise in comparing and contrasting other company's values Some well intentioned core values could actually be red flags... Avoid the generic and indescript. Value being memorable. Nailing down your core values take time, and could rightfully be a slow process. "Is this a value or a purpose?" Values should have specificity. [00:15:47] Making Values Meaningful to Your Team Using values as a motivator and empowering decision maker for the organization and projects. Keep it short, sweet, and meaningful. If you only have one value...that's probably your purpose, and not your value. [00:20:00] How to Discover Your Values Sit down, converse, write down the things that are important to th