Adventures In Businessing

The Importance of Business Events



Show Notes: [0:00:54] Intro | Timely Topics Considerations around hosting video podcasts of AIB on Youtube. [0:02:33] Events, Events, Events… How to make the most of them.  Why we recommend them.  Why they’re worth the time and money.  The major benefits of events across the board.  *Brief disclaimer on vaccination and mask wearing while attending events during the COVID pandemic.  Getting out of your typical office or home office comfort zone to induce creativity.  [0:08:46] Unpacking Great Events (Location Matters) The Global Leadership Summit The Cult Gathering CaboPress Traffic & Conversion Summit COLLISION If you're one to feel punished by choice...maybe avoid the Collision conference. [0:17:41] Advice for Leaders Throwing Events "Conferences with less content and more time to process are arguably more valuable." Elaboration on why this is true, worth acknowledging, and seeking out. Be careful of overengineering. [0:25:00] Closing Thoughts Find what works for you. Cost ca