L.a.b.chats With Krista Pettiford

How to Focus On What's PRIMAL In The Final Quarter of Your Year



Hey, Beloved, your calling is more than the work you do. God called you for a purpose. That purpose is to know Him in a personal relationship, to become who He called you to be, do the good works He created you to do, and live the abundant life He planned for you. In this episode, I'm reviewing the six pillars of your God-giving calling based on the acronym the PRIMAL - purpose, relationship, identity, mission, and abundant life.  I'm also sharing some awesome news I've been waiting to announce to you! I had the pleasure of designing a  prayer journal. I've been working on with an amazing Christian designer for over four months and it's finally ready! The Seasons Beauty, Blessings, Purpose, and Lesson Journal is available for preorder on my website and Amazon.com. The release date is November 4, 2021! If you order now you will get your copy early!  This journal was designed to help you prayerfully lean in and listen to God so you can discern your season, understand what God is calling you to do, and what you