The Traveling Cup Podcast

Ep. 95: You Can't Hurt Steel



“Don’t ever give up hope. Continue to fight, because you never know what’s going to happen in front of you; you never know what plan is meant for you.” @JhansonSteel “No – don’t accept the negative statistics…you fight until you can’t fight anymore.” @JhansonSteel “With anything in life, if you are truly passionate about it, you’re gonna give it every bit of energy that you have to see this goes forward.” @JhansonSteel On the show with me today I have the real man of steel, JJ Hanson, joining us. Now JJ’s story is one you will never forget, and I’m really excited to dig into his new line of work, with his new nonprofit, or helping the nonprofit Voices Against Brain Cancer. JJ’s a US Marine and brain cancer survivor who advocates for policy changes on behalf of patients. He recently approached the New York State Department of Health to officially declare May 27th as New York State Grey Day, where people wear the color grey to help promote brain cancer awareness. And this is awesome – he just completed a Spar