Six Figure Voice, The Voice Actors Podcast

SFV #004: Voice-Over for Animation



Working in animation is a really fun facet of the voice-over industry. Tyrone Jackson and Alyson Steel talk about character development and the audition process with Jamie Woodham, a writer from the animated show Talking Tom and Friends.  Jamie Woodham is a staff writer on Talking Tom and Friends. He built his reputation as a comedian and made contacts on Twitter before moving out to Los Angeles. He recommends using social media, especially twitter, to anyone wanting to work in the entertainment industry. Its a free writing sample and networking tool that helps get your name out there.  Jamie explains the process before behind the scenes of an animated show. His advice for auditioning is to bring something unique or very real to the character. When you are casting a nerdy character, for example, 95% of the auditions sound the same (i.e., nasal quality, high pitched voice). He says that if you want to stand out, bring a quirk, react to lines, and do whatever is in your control to give the character as much of