Clinically Pressed

Ep. 81: "Wish I Knew"-Athletic Training



This episode could have gone on for hours. Reflecting back on so many different things that I could have done differently in my career is almost daunting, but worth it to try and learn and shape a better career in the future. The lessons learned were not only clinical (but there were a lot of those). There were so many lessons that I should have learned earlier about interaction with patients, coaches, colleagues and others that could have made my life easier and provided better care for everyone. My hope with this one is to provide insight for any level of AT, but especially younger ATs so that they can identify areas that they can learn from earlier to help advance their career and knowledge faster than I did my own. I feel 5-7 years behind and if I can help others pick up their pace, it helps me do it with my own and makes the whole system better. I hope there are some great takeaways from this one and it generates so future learning and discussion. Check it out: #complicatedsimpl