Adventures In Businessing

What is Company Culture



Show Notes: [0:00:53] Intro | Timely Topics Previous Episode & Series Recap [0:02:36] Bridging the Gap from Uncertainty to Culture The norms and stardards, i.e. the default state of behavior in your organization. When you have these figured out, you can answer the question, "What do I do when I don't know what to do?" [0:04:49] "Now we're going to talk about Culture." What is your company culture? It's a BIG umbrella! The textbook definition, the assumed, the implicit and explicit. "Your culture is a combination of who you are, what you value, and how you behave." Creating a great company culture. You don't control all of your company culture. You have leverage and input, but you can't dictate the culture. It's just as much what your team brings to the table. True or False: You can't know what your culture is in the early days, because people make up your culture? There's a weird irony to unpack. Each new hire brings something to your culture. Culture fits & culture adds Divers