Unsourced Wall Radio

Unsourced Wall Radio #170 - Titans Together



Recorded on 8/14/2021A new episode of Unsourced Wall is here!We're joined by two special guests this week - Roliver Queen and AJ from Comics Code UH-thority!We talk about the possible Moon Knight and Suicide Squad leaks, all of the current Substack insanity, give a review for the brand new premiere of Titans Season 3 and much more!Listen in and tell us what you think!#Substack#Comics#TitansComics Code UHthority:https://linktr.ee/ComicsCodeUHThorityRoliver Queen Reviews:Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/roliverqueenreviewsBlog: https://roliverqueenreviews.medium.comInstagram: https://www.instagram.com/roliverqueen_/AJ:Twitter.com/MR_MITCHELL_2_ULinks:Twitter: https://twitter.com/the_snickmanRSS Feed: http://feeds.feedburner.com/UnsourcedWallRadioiTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/unsourced-wall-radio/id1378368779?mt=2Art Credit:https://twitter.com/dotemcee