Call Me Catholic

2018-08-25 - Call Me Catholic - 08/25/2018 - What the world needs now....



Can’t we all just get along? Sometimes it seems an insurmountable challenge. In the Call Me Catholic Countdown, Peggy lists the top five ways we can express our love to one another. Claire Fraser-Yzaguirre, MFT, M.Div., is a Catholic marriage and family therapist, who offers some excellent strategies for fortifying relationships and modeling love to our children. Claire and Peggy continue their conversation about “robust empathy” and “intelligent love”, two strategies Claire suggests for cultivating healthy relationships at home and in the world. Listeners are invited to call in with their comments or questions for Claire. In Chatting with Catholics, Peggy lends the microphone to Lisa who shares the story of how she fell in love with Jesus, first, and then, her husband.