Solopreneur Success Strategies

2096 Produce a TV Show for your business



Welcome, welcome, welcome. This is Jane Gardner, and today we're going to be talking about how to produce your TV show. And so we're going to have a look just briefly, of course, on the various things you need to do in order to produce your TV show. So let's get started. After you've seen this nice one, my colour is much better here, so Planning is very critical for your TV show blueprint, but today we're going to be talking about producing it. Yay! So we're going to see how long this is. I'm hoping it's going to be less than 10 minutes. So let's go. So we've had this in the previous episode in the beginning about producing your show. And you need to know what TV show format you want to produce as your show. You have to have your plan. You have to know if you're interviewing guests, you have to have those all those format of your TV show and where are you going to put your call to action and whether you're going to have an intro in your show and how you're going to do that. And then we also discussed briefly