It's A Guy Thing Podcast - San Antonio Texas

Episode 31: Star Wars EIIPI



Episode 31: Star Wars E2P1 At 1 minute and 45 seconds, cover your ears! The Guys start off with some crazy loud nonsense that allows for a slight music break, which then leads to more music licensing information, and more nonsense. Eventually, they discuss Star Wars, Episode VII! We give first impressions, dive into JJ Abrams directorial style, the future of the franchise, Vader, Rogue One, and all of the intricacies and subtleties that make a movie what is it. Also, is R2-D2 the biggest A-hole in the galaxy? We loved The Force Awakens, but we still love to tear it apart and postulate our criticisms. We also allow ourselves to explore the implications of the science and story with their relation to The Matrix, Star Trek, Interstellar, and Contact. This is a GIANT sized episode, so be sure to tune in next week for the continuation of it. Thanks for listening! You can contact us on Google Voicemail @ 210-802-1197, @, on Twitter: @itsaguythingpod, on Facebook: /itsaguy