Second Opinions Podcast

Ep. 6 - Elliot Clark: Examining the Link Between HR and Business Outcomes



For healthcare, “HR in the future has got to be innovative… entrepreneurial… creative, but most of all they have to be talking about business impacts.” That’s the advice of Elliot Clark, Chairman and CEO of SharedXpertise Media and HRO Today, a magazine focused on Human Resources leadership. In this episode of Second Opinions, Elliot provides strong evidence why healthcare leaders must adopt the mindset of industries that see HR as an investment in the future and in better outcomes, not just a cost center and risk manager. In order to begin this transformation, Elliot says that HR needs to be able to talk the language of business, which includes understanding not only the traditional metrics of time to fill and cost per hire, but also the business impact of the cost of not hiring. “If you think of it that way, you automatically transform the concept of HR as an expense to HR as an investment.”