Bad Porno Book Club Podcast

Bad Porno Book Club: Episode 11 - The Most Private Inner Plumbing



How would you decompress from a golden shower? Probably not how Annabelle does in this chapter of A Touch of Grey...Down There. This week's episode features a variety of inappropriate scenarios, some sweet first kiss stories form your hosts and all the usual "OMG NO" moments! BPBC fan? Have thoughts/feedback? Need a second opinion on your amateur love poetry? Email us at [email protected] or find us on Instagram @bpbcpodcast. Tweet the one and only Blake Lockhart @blakelockhart2. If you listened to this podcast on iTunes, and you somewhat enjoyed yourself, give us a rating and review! Can't get enough of A Touch of Grey Down There or looking for your next book club adventure? Download 'A Touch of Grey... Down There' from Amazon:…book/dp/B00AD9J5FO