Georgia Association Of Criminal Defense Lawyers Podcast

002 Marketing for Lawyers with Erin Gerstenzang - 12:26:17, 10.55 AM



Erin Gerstenzang’s practice is elegant in its simplicity. From the moment a new client calls her until the case is closed, there is a process. Her intake, practice management, and file handling process are all automated. On the day we recorded the podcast, there was not a single piece of paper to be seen until someone brought in the mail. Her office layout is minimimalistic, yet, there is nothing impersonal about Erin. Clients know that they can call her cell or text her with questions. She says that the clients are happy and are careful not to intrude. She learned to practice this way from her father years ago. The outgoing message on his office’s answering machine directed clients to call him at home if they needed him. You will learn something from this interview about how to market and manage a criminal defense practice. The key, according to Erin, is to bring your authentic self to the table and to practice simply. Her office was a relaxing place to record a podcast. It must be a great place to come