Blend This Trend

Interview with Data Scientist Allen on Latent Needs in Transportation



This interview features Data Scientist, Allen Lee. In this episode we discuss his experience with transportation in an effort to better understand how user goals can provide insight to design. About Today's Featured Guest: Beginning as a student of civil and environmental engineering, Allen was a passionate proponent of environmental sustainability efforts at UC Davis. As a Geographical Information Systems Analyst for Chesapeake Energy Corporation, his work resulted in the creation of important guides that impacted natural gas drilling decisions in the Eastern Utica Shale. Taking his knowledge and passion for sustainability to the community in San Francisco, he later managed BMW's iChargeForward project as a Sustainable Mobility Engineer, investigating opportunities for partnership with customers to expand BMW's environmental sustainability practices. About the Interviewer: As a student of design, I am interested in exploring the deeper questions behind problems faced by users and gaining perspective on way