Cadboro Bay United Church Weekly Message

Margaret Harper's Message - Grounded in Community - January 19, 2020



Last Sunday we began a three week series looking at the story from John’s Gospel of Jesus at the wedding in Cana. We stepped outside the literal interpretation of Jesus as a ‘miracle worker’ who turned water into wine and reflected on how Jesus was always intent to point to all the potentialities beyond a narrow, individualized sense of religion and self. This week we will look at this story from the perspective of what it means for Jesus and the other characters to be part and parcel of the larger community---with a whole host of expectations, joys, dilemmas and opportunities. As we reflect on the gifts which flow outward as ‘Cana Wine’ is shared with intention and joy, we will also have the opportunity to name how Jesus is calling us to embrace his radical vision of being grounded in community.  Margaret will be preaching this week so that I can let my voice recover a bit more and have some Sunday respite in my head and thinking as well.   I will still be around on Sunday to share in other aspects of the s