Cadboro Bay United Church Weekly Message

Mark Green's Message - Non-expendable - February 2, 2020



As we begin the month of February, we enter into a new sermon series: The Lost and Found Parables. Each week we will focus on a different parable and see how it is that these enigmatic aphorism’s point us to larger truths about the unfolding realm of God. One of the greatest mistakes often made with the parables is to allegorize them and that has been the temptation of many including the Gospel writers themselves.  We will seek to find the lost meanings and recover the radical nature of the parables themselves. This week we begin with the Parable of the Lost Sheep. Come find out about the various layers of this story. Scripture: Luke 15: 1-7, & Matthew 18: 1-5, 10-14 DONATE NOW Visit us @