Cadboro Bay United Church Weekly Message

Mark Green's Message - Anxiety at the Beginning of the Journey - March 1, 2020



This is the first Sunday of Lent and our beginning of a new theme of FINDING OUR WAY TO JERUSALEM WITH JESUS. Throughout this theme we will hear the stories often saved for Holy Week (see my article in Tidelines about why) and a few others often overlooked.  This Sunday we begin with the entrance into Jerusalem and the Palm Sunday story, and while this story is familiar to many, the story that follows in Mark is not, which is the cursing of the fig tree.  Together these form the beginning of a narrative that the Gospel of Mark is beginning to weave about who Jesus was and what following him might entail. The highs of Palms Sunday get mixed in with the funny expletive from Jesus regarding a fig tree that has no fruit. It seems to me that this is all part of the building anxiety that Jesus is encountering in himself that he is not always able to put words to or that the disciples were unable to see. Join me as we unpack this story and many others during the season of Lent. DONATE NOW Scripture: Mark 11: 1-4