In-between Theories

Luba Drozd and LONGCAT



SAY ONE THING AND MEME ANOTHER Artist Luba Drozd's LONGCAT is Grabbing TRUMP by the Meme Inspired by the longcat meme that flourished in the online discussion boards of the early 2000s, Luba Drozd's new work LONGCAT repurposes the body of that FELINE meme and infuses it with political content from the last year of Trumped up American media. Drozd makes visible in LONGCAT the current deeply divisive moment in American politics -- with all of its strategies of avoidance, overkill and misinformation. Riffing on the how the digital debris of online eras, too recently past to be historical, continue to influence our personal and political present. LONGCAT explores how the virtual becomes tangible and the tangible can become tools for the exercise and abuse of power. See this new work of digital art here: Listen to Luba Drozd in conversation about the work here: