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AIM - 23 How to fill out the Form I-485 for an Adjustment of Status in the United States



How to fill out the Form I-485 for an Adjustment of Status in the United States? 00:01  We don't give legal advice but I felt it would be nice to show how to complete a form, what it looks like. It's all done for general information only and when you have a case like an adjustment of status based on family, on deployment, those are really complicated things and you should definitely work with an attorney   00:35 We will now begin with form I-45, and this form is extremely important that you have all of your information correct because this is the form that the USCIS will use in order to prepare your green card.   02:07 Information about you continues with the country of birth and country citizenship. The alien number again, is only if you've been in the U.S. before. So if you entered the U.S. through crossing the border or an airport and you were admitted at a port of entry, which you have to have been admitted at a port of entry in order to file for adjustment of status, you will click on th