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AIM - 25 How International Students can accrue Unlawful Presence Tight and Devastating Rules for Students!



How International Students can accrue unlawful presence? 00:01 A new USCIS policy can have devastating consequences on students who overstayed or violate their status   00:15 The new UCIS policy coming up August 9, 2018 that will change the way a students, F-students, J-Students, M Students are considered to be accruing unlawful presence in the US if they violated their status by not going to school or working   1:25 The only way they could accrue that if they were apprehended by immigration official, by a judge who determine that at that moment they accrued over presence.   2:26 but the essence of accrual of unlawful presence will happen at the time of that interview when that person willmeet the immigration officer.   3:37 If they are here now, before August 9th they should try to speak with an immigration attorney to see what they can do facing that change in and the upcoming date because after that they will be a accruing unlawful. And it's important to make plenty because we have