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How Top Earners Make Decisions with Bethany Perry



Life Coach and Success Mentor, Bethany Perry works with heart-centered visionaries who want to live a fully self-expressed life. She supports her clients in their personal development in order to improve their professional success. Bethany joins me on the podcast to share five steps business owners can take that will lead them to success. This process helps top earners and leaders make decisions and be successful. What is success? One of the more tangible ways people measure success is by how much money they are making. But what about things like time, freedom, and having more energy and being happier? One of Bethany’s favourite analogies is that we can want more out of our life and out of our business and if you imagine more coming in the form of time, money, energy, happiness, imagine those things as water. If we're one cup and we want a gallon’s worth of abundance, we actually have to become a gallon container in order to be able to receive that. It’s about becoming a bigger container in our own lives s