Sonabank P.o.w.e.r. Plug Podcast For Women In Business

Sonabank POWER Plug: Slaying Your Self-doubts



Research reveals that self-doubt is the number one emotion we all have in common. When we unconsciously criticize, judge, or talk harshly to ourselves we do more harm than good. So, if beating ourselves up isn’t the answer what is? How do we become aware of our dragons of self-doubt, effectively slay them and keep them from rearing their ugly heads? If you are ready to slay what is holding you back from getting the life you want, this podcast is for you.    In this episode for performance-driven women, Host Mary Foley speaks with Katherine Wintsch, CEO and Founder of Mom Complex and author of the life-changing book, Slay Like a Mother: How You Can Destroy What’s Holding You Back So You Can Live the Life You Want. Katherine left a position at a nationally recognized ad agency to do her own thing. Today, she dedicates her life to making the lives of mothers easier by working alongside Fortune 500 companies to help them develop better products and better services for mothers. Katherine has been awarded the ‘Work