Adventures In Businessing

Managing Up



Show Notes   [0:00:00] Episode Summary | Intro   Jeremy tries out new greetings… And also recommends everyone watch Guga Foods.    [0:02:16] Managing Up & Why it Works   Challenging...and comes with many landmines. Do it right and your life is easier. Do it poorly and it could make your work and culture really suffer. You can’t control whether someone is a good or bad manager, but you can put your best foot forward. You have very real restrictions in how you can deal with a manager, and how you interact with them.  Managers aren’t perfect, and are oftentimes someone who was in a similar role to you, but was good enough at their job to be moved up (sometimes against their will or desired growth path). This however does not mean that they’ll inherently be a good manager.  Rarely is a manager ever actually ‘out to get you’, but poor communication and misunderstandings can make it feel like the opposite.  Over communicate. Don’t assume you’re on the same page and that you have t