Coaching Through Chaos Podcast

Can You Really Find Calm After Years of Chaos? with Robert Delude



Robert Delude is the host of the None of Your Business Podcast, where he talks to his entrepreneurial guests about anything but their business (you can check out an earful I gave him about my own personal struggles and successes in an upcoming episode), but today, I flip the script on him to get him to talk about why he is so focused on helping others climb out of dark places in life. He shares his story of a chaotic childhood where he didn't think he fit in.  It was only when he first got high at 12 yrs old that he felt better.  This need to detach from his insecurities became a need to get high.  This quickly turned into a decade of selling drugs, toxic relationships and hiding his true self from anyone he knew. It was only when an older friend who got recovery took him under his wing was he really able to stay on a path through recovery. He is now forging ahead, feeling more confident, working on himself, fleeing from people who tap into his codependency or ignite his self-sabotaging.  His story isn't fini