Relevant To Our Interests Podcast

119 The Dark Crystal - Film



Notes Frank and John tackle the Dark Crystal. Frank gives a quick run down of the plot. John and Frank then discuss the films characterizations and some of the plotting. They then discuss some of the conventions that appear in the film that are dated. They also discuss some of the limitations of the film.  They then shift gears to talk about the Hero's Journey: Frank then gives an overview of Joseph Campbell's The Hero's Journey, with commentary provided by John. Then they dive into a criticism of the plot convention and it's overuse in both plotting and literary analysis. Then discuss Aristotelian plot structure, and how they view plotting in general.   Finally they discuss their final thoughts about the Dark Crystal.  Quotes "Well everybody's a hero in there own storey', No everybody thinks they're just not a dick." - John "Do you want to know what's a perfect example of the Hero's Journey is? Happy fucking Gilmore. I don't even have a point after that." -John "The Hero's Journey is just another way to