Relevant To Our Interests Podcast

122 WI Tales of a Chemical S--t Storm



NOTES: Frank and John sit down for a pre/post Thanksgiving episode. John gives us the low-down on his health issues. Frank talks about the Google Stadia train-wreck and streaming services. John waxes poetic about Chthulhu Wars the board-game while Frank waxes poetic about the Call of Cthulhu Starter Box. Frank talks about the one thing he really enjoys about Disney+ so far. John talks about the Good Place and British Panel shows. And the guys give thanks. Plus John's Bad Advice. JOHN'S BAD ADVICE Please Advise: Living My Best Life? -Carrie J What is the circumference of reality? -Ty K How to best prepare for the coming apocalypse? -Dan H META PLOT [Escaping the Muppet Castle while the three dogs were distracted, Frank and John find themselves travelling through the American Southwest in the back of an old farm truck. Reluctant to notify the driver of their presence because they are worried they might get shot. Frank and John wait for the truck to arrive at it's destination.] CREDITS. Episode 122: What's