Relevant To Our Interests Podcast

124 Rare Exports



notes Frank and John talk about the Christmas Horror movie, Rare Exports, and the two companion shorts Rare Exports Inc. and Rare Exports Safety Instructions. They go through the plot and their thoughts about the film. Then they dive into the themes of Christmas as a commodity and the idea of violence in black Friday. It's on to final observations, specifically with the can do, and make do nature of the village that is the setting of the film. Finally it's our final thoughts. quotes -"I do think that, uhh Jalmari Helander intended there to be those themes kind of present in it, but he also didn't want them to be the focus, and take away from the actual story he wanted to tell." -Frank -"Old man wiener!" -John meta-plot [Frank and John are rescued by Fiona, Angus and Wagner, John's doggo friends known collectively as the Idgits. Frank is frustrated that they won't talk to him and John gently points out that they can't talk because they are in fact dogs. Convinced that the Idgits must be cursed Frank