Relevant To Our Interests Podcast

126 WI: We're Back



Notes Originally Recorded April 14, 2020 Frank talks about this past winter, and the current state of the podcast with his day job, and the corona-virus pandemic.  Then we dive into a recent Jimquisition about spoilers that John shared recently on Facebook, and our thoughts about both that video and spoilers. We also discuss, briefly, Junji Ito's work and the manga Uzumaki (which the next episode is all about).  We then jump into the current games that we're playing. John's playing Animal Crossing, and the Deadpool game that out in 2013. Frank's been playing The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening and Final Fantasy XV.  John and Frank then go over some upcoming episodes. Including the next episode on Uzumaki, a near future interview with gough, of Beernuts Productions. An episode about the Tremor's franchise.  Frank also talks about looking into Roll20 and a potential online game, and John discusses the VTT available on Steam (which may be Fantasy Grounds).  Quotes none this episode.  Meta-plot [John and F