Junior Dance

18: Joy Is a Good Girl/ I Wanna be Sent to a Penal Colony



Billy (@goodpureform) and Joy (@dykwyas) are joined by Rob Kozar and Jackson Frons (@fronssss). We discuss indie lit, Tao Lin, Jackson's various literary side hustles, Jacques Tati's "Playtime," WKW's "Fallen Angels," Kafka's "The Castle," Joy's recent trip to Chicago, whether or not we would welcome being sent to a penal colony, the world of NYC journals, and Don Delillo. We also discuss Nausicaa (shout out to Homer and Odysseus) Renner's piece in N+1, "Misdiagnosis," which discusses the phenomenon of diagnosing Trump, mainly by mental health professionals, and why it may be missing the point (https://nplusonemag.com/online-only/online-only/misdiagnosis/). Links to our work: 1. Joy recently translated a piece by Lee Chi-liung, which was published in Asymptote. Read it here: https://www.asymptotejournal.com/nonfiction/lee-chi-leung-when-the-migrants-amass-notes-from-the-new-territories/ 2. Jackson had his story "This" published in the Hobart Pulp last month. Check it out here: http://www.hobartpulp.com/web_fe