Stories From The Trail

Episode 038 - Heaps



  Heaps is a 28 year old Kiwi who's traveled the world, mostly on foot. Hear her stories about the PCT, Anapurna Circuit, the book she's working on and more. Also, a surprise visit from last week's guest, Twerk!  WARNING: We get pretty gross in this one. Heaps on Instagram Wilderbound Twerk's Hiker Trash Vogue Etowah Gear Listeners who support the show have already heard the next three episodes while you and I sit here like a couple of schmucks waiting to see a movie that hasn't even been cast yet.  Get more episodes AND support the show! Reptar Hikes! Fozzie's House of Strudel Stories From The Trail on Facebook Stories From the Trail on Instagram Stories From the Trail on Discord Get the audio version of Where's the Next Shelter? for free when you join Audible!