Managemental Podcast With Blasko And Mike Mowery

Advice From the Industry: Part 1



Hypebot article "19 Marketing Predictions From Music Industry Experts" by Ariel Hyatt of Cyber PR. Have A Plan With Your Goals Included. If you don’t have a written plan and a long-term strategy, it will be very hard to get where you want to go. I see way too many artists wasting their hard earned money on publicists, Spotify Playlisting companies and radio promotion before they are really ready. Don’t Blow Your Budget on Recording Only. The biggest mistake I see indie artists make is to spend all of their money on recording, leaving nothing for marketing.   Clearly Communicate Your Story. My biggest piece of marketing advice for 2019 is to know how to communicate your story.   Put Your Fans First. As we move forward in this new era of the music industry, it’s become more and more apparent that the only gatekeepers in the industry are the fans.   Build An Industry Email List. Retain email addresses of journos, bloggers, and playlist/tastemakers so you can contact them in the future about your work. ----