Managemental Podcast With Blasko And Mike Mowery

Advice From the Industry: Part 2



Hypebot article "19 Marketing Predictions From Music Industry Experts" by Ariel Hyatt of Cyber PR. Chris Robley –  DIY Musician Podcast: Pay For Social Media Ads & Boosts Without Bitterness. 2019 will be the year your AVERAGE independent musician starts budgeting for online advertising without feeling nauseous or bitter AF. Ryan Kairilla – Break The Business: Embrace Live Streaming. Embrace live streaming! Platforms like Twitch and Facebook Live are becoming very important platforms for musicians. Melissa Garcia - Collective Entertainment: Get Creative On Socials. Don’t be afraid to get creative with how you connect with your fans. Rick Barker – Rick Barker Music: Meet Your Fans Where They Want to Meet You. One of the biggest mistakes I see artists make is that they make it hard for fans to find them. Marcio Novelli – Bridge The Atlantic: Don’t quit your day job. Don’t quit your day job… But don’t give up on your dreams either. The old adage that it takes money to make money is almost always true, even in