Managemental Podcast With Blasko And Mike Mowery

Blasko and Mike Answer Your Questions



Hey man hope your doing well.  The ManageMental podcast has been such an awesome resource.  I’m happy to say I have been listening since the beginning. Thank you for continuing  to put out such great content.  Here is my question. Do you think it’s better to  be seeing as “headlining band” going on last, or do you feel in this day and age it’s better to host a show and pick the best time for your band to go on and build out a successful show around that? Any input you could share would be greatly appreciated.  Thanks  -Cat --- Hey Blasko, As a ManageMental podcast loyal listener, I don't think something like this has been covered in one of the +100 episodes. Could be wrong. Here goes either way: I play in a punk rock band. The band's been around since late 2016. Since then the band has garneded a modest online fanbase, released two EPs, a few videos and played some cool shows as well as sopporting a few international bands. For 2019 the band has completed the debut album. Video for first single is done. Se