Home Work

#289: From Hobby to Side Hustle to Career



Dave and Harry walk through what it takes to turn a hobby into a side hustle, prioritizing the work we do outside our 9-5s, and when to take a side hustle to the next level. Dave's Tool of the Week - Apple Time Machine Harry's Tool of the Week - Craft Links - 10 Candles - SNL Synchronized Swimming Skit - SuperDuper for Mac - Backblaze - Carbonite - Dropbox - The Prophet by Harry Marks | Kindle and eBook Check Out Our New Website Home Work is officially independent! If you aren't already subscribed to the show, make sure you head on over to thehomeworkpodcast.com to get each new episode every Tuesday. Support Your Local Bookshop You can now help Home Work and your local bookstore by buying books through our new custom Bookshop.org affiliate link. If we mention a book on the show, you'll find it there--and purchasing through that link nets a little extra money for the show, too. Support Us On Patreon Home Work Podcast Patreon - contribute $5 or $10 a month and get access to bonus episodes, live sessions, work